Created in 2016, GADJA Productions supports and accompanies contemporary choreographers in the development of their projects and the promotion of their work on the international level. And In particular Korean artist Eun-Me Ahn.
"Gadja" means "Come on! Let's go!" in Korean.
A short, dynamic, bouncing name. A nod to my personal history with the Morning Calm country where I've started my carreer as much as to Eun-Me Ahn, the first artist to join me in this new adventure.
More and more often, one speak about performing arts in economical terms. If we definitely need to take these constraints weighing upon culture, for me it is above all a question of meeting, of sharing where the human factor is crucial.
This name is also the reflexion of my state of mind, of a drive to work in a joyous and relaxed atmosphere (it's not antinomic with professionalism and yet so much nicer!) with the artist, technicians and all the theaters and festival staffs to make a work meet the audience.
Jean-Marie Chabot - Director
© 2016 par Gadja Productions. Créé avec Wix.com
Gadja Productions
59 boulevard du Président Wilson - 44600 Saint-Nazaire - France
Licenses entrepreneur de spectacles : 2-1096419 / 3-1096420